Horoscope Today: Zodiac prediction for November 10, 2021

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)

Your positivity energy needs to be channelized in the right direction, which may strengthen your resolve to perform better for a brighter tomorrow. Your business venture may flourish and bring you more profits than it did before. However, you are likely to defuse the situation and play pacemaker to restore domestic peace and harmony. You may get noticed by seniors and a promotion or bonus could be on the cards for you. Calming techniques may also prove to relax your mind.

Love Focus:  Paying attention to your partner’s demands and needs is likely to bring back lost love.
Lucky Number: 18
Lucky Colour: Sky Blue

Capricorn (December 22-January 21)

Today, your practical approach towards certain situations is likely to work in your favour and help you move ahead in life. You are likely to buy a vehicle or put the money in stocks and speculations. It could be a good day to go on a pending trip with your loved ones. The day is fulfilling and rewarding with regard to your job front. Some great plans are in store for you. Regular exercises coupled with meditation are likely to keep you physically fit and mentally strong.

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Love Focus: Plan a surprise romantic getaway with your beloved or some fun activities, which might draw them closer to you and strengthen your ties.
Lucky Number: 18
Lucky Colour: White

Aquarius (January 22-February 19)

You may be receptive to fresh, new ideas today, which can prove beneficial for you in the long run. Lack of careful planning may bring monetary losses today. Act swiftly and tactfully to defuse the tensions and restore peace and normalcy in the homely atmosphere. Your bosses may recognise your true talents. The day could be a mixed bag as far as your health is concerned. Yoga may give you inner peace.

Love Focus: u need to reignite the passions to enjoy your love life and plan fun activities with your beloved to bring intimacy and affection in your harmonious bond.
Lucky Number: 11
Lucky Colour: Light Grey

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Pisces (February 20-March 20)

You are imaginative and your strong belief in yourself is likely to make you a winner all the way today. You need to plan your finances properly with the help of an expert to reap its benefits. You are likely to take your family members on a long due vacation to an exotic destination.  Your efforts may be lauded by bosses and you may be entitled to a monetary benefit or a promotion or both. Today, you remain hale and hearty and no health issue may pull you down.

Love Focus:  Work towards making it more exciting by taking part in some fun activities together with your beloved to spice up your romance a bit.
Lucky Number: 8
Lucky Colour: Beige

source: Hindustan Times
