Latihan Soal UNBK Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP, bisa sebagai referensi dalam mendapatkan pengalaman untuk menghadapi UNBK. Simak berikut ini :

Contoh Soal Pilihan Ganda:
I. Jawablah dengan pertanyaan berikut ini!
1. From the dialogue above, Fadi.
A. Ask for help
B. Give help
C. Give opinions
D. Ask for opinions
2. Pak Romi: Amanda, can you answer question 5?
Amanda: …
Pak Romi: Good!
The best answer to complete the dialogue above is.
A. No, I can’t.
B. No, I can do it.
C. Yes, I can, sir.
D. Yes, I’m not sure.
3. Najmi: Yesterday I joined the GEMBI Club. Do you want to join?
Alif: … … because I joined the English club.
The best answer to complete the dialogue above is.
A. Yes, I can
B. No, I will not
C. Yes, I will
D. No, I can’t
4. The real expression of the ability to express yourself below is.
A. I was able to drive a car 2 years ago
B. I can sing that song
C. Now I can read the Quran
D. Before you have an accident
5. The actual statement based on the dialogue above is.
A. Rina is not a good friend
B. Rulla and Rina have the same hobby
C. Rulla and Rina have the same novel
D. Rulla and Rina don’t have the same hobby
6. Trans-Jakarta drivers are not permitted to pick up passengers.
The underlined word states.
A. Obligations
B. Suggestions
C. Prohibition
D. Opinion
7. This test is too difficult ……………… ..can do it
A. each
B. nobody
C. one person
D. anyone
8. Ivan: hasan is very smart. Do you think he will win the math competition?
Reyhan: …………. He always solved mathematical problems easily.
A. I can hardly say it
B. I doubt it
C. I think so
D. Who knows
9. Alicia is a singer, Alicia is a songwriter. The best combination of the two sets is
A. Alicia is not a singer or songwriter
B. Alicia is not only a singer but also a songwriter
C. Alicia is not only a singer but also a songwriter
D. Alicia is not a singer, but a song writer
10. referred to below with the exception of mass media.
A. television
B. newspaper
C. Internet
D. radio shows
11. Anna: Is the Indonesian team as strong as Japan?
Cindy: No, I think Japan is stronger than Indonesia.
Ana: But … Chinese, Japanese or Indonesian?
Cindy: Chinese.
A. Which is the strongest
B. Which is the weakest
C. Which plays better
D. Which plays the fastest
12. Jane: Do you want to spend an upcoming vacation with us?
Gina: Where are you going?
Jane: To Pangandaran Beach.
Gina: … My family plans to visit my grandfather in the village.
A. I am sure of that
B. That is a good idea
C. I do not doubt it
D. I am not sure
13. Jack: Do you know the most famous sport in the world?
Bob: Yes. It was an Olympic match.
Jack: Yes. I’m with you
A. of course
B. secure
C. agree
D. disagree
14. Who is the first child
A. Nahara
B. sibling
C. Mita
D. ovi
15. Who is the last child
A. Nahara
B. sibling
C. Mita
D. ovi
16. Mita is Ovis ’.
A. Sister
B. sibling
C. Younger sister
D. Younger brother
17. The above notification means.
A. This program consists of 15 films
B. Anyone over the age of 15 can watch this film
C. This program lasts about 15 minutes
D. This program is made for people under the age of 15 years