Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 Lengkap Kunci Jawaban

Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 Lengkap Kunci Jawaban. Berikut contoh soal UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 semester 2 dan jawabannya, latihan soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 tahun 2022.

Dalam tulisan artikel ini akan dijelaskan mengenai contoh soal UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 semester 2 dan jawabannya, latihan soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 tahun 2022.

Untuk siswa kelas 11 SMA tentu memiliki keinginan untuk mempersiapkan diri menjelang ujian akhir semester (UAS) lebih awal sehingga membuat dirinya lebih siap untuk menghadapi UAS nanti.

Dengan banyak berlatih mengerjakan soal akan membantu membiasakan diri memecahkan berbagai permasalahan dan juga dapat membantu anak untuk menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan baru.

Untuk melihat kunci jawaban dan latihan soal UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 semester 2 kurikulum 2013 tahun 2022 silahkan simak pada artikel berikut ini.

Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat pada pilihan A, B, C dan D di bawah ini!

For questions No. 1 – 2

Apt BLK 30, Eunos St. #05 – 116
Singapore 1441
2nd April 2009

Dear Liza,

- Iklan -

I have received you letter asking me to meet you at your house this Sunday to discuss the urgent matter you have. I regret however to say that it will not be possible for me to see you on Sunday as I already have a previous appointment . I shall see you on Monday next week at 5 p.m . Hoping the change of date will be convenient to you

Your sincerely


1. What does the letter tell about …..
A. Liza’s problem
B. Liza’s appointment
C. Daisy’s previous letter to Liza
D. Daisy’s regret for not being able to come
E. A meeting held at Liza’s house

Jawaban: D

2. Why did Liza ask Daisy to come to her house …..
A. Liza wanted Daisy to solve her problem
B. Daisy would discuss her problem with Liza
C. Liza persuaded Daisy to go somewhere
D. Daisy wanted to meet Liza’s family
E. Liza wanted to chat with Daisy

Jawaban: A

For questions No. 3 – 5

Jl. Jambu 129
Bandung, 30th Januari 2017

Dear Fred,
It was a real sorrow that I heard this morning of your great loss. I knew your mother was ill. For your brother told me several weeks ago. However, as he at that time did not seem to think. The illness was very serious, the news of your mother’s death came to me as a shock. You have my sincere and heartfelt sympathy, my dear fellow, in your sorrow. I know you will feel it deeply, for you always thought so much of your mother and loved her so truly. I feel it also as a personal loss to myself for your mother was always very kind to me. I admired her a good and noble woman. Her death must be a terrible grief to your father too. Please assure him of my sincere sympathy.

Words, I know, are poor comforters. “The heart knows its own sorrow”, and in such sorrows we are always alone. However, it is not mere words when I say that I feel with you in your sorrow.

Your sincere friends,


3. What is the possible relation between the sender and the recipient?
A. Relatives.       D. Siblings.
B. Employers.     E. Employees.
C. Friends.

Jawaban: C

4. From the letter we know that …..
A. Fred’s mother was not ill before her death.
B. Jack sent letter to Fred several weeks ago.
C. Jack was very sorrowful to send the letter to his mother.
D. Jack had known Fred’s mother before.
E. Fred is the only child in his family.

Jawaban: A

5. “You have my sincere and heartfelt sympathy, my dear fellow, in your sorrow.” What is the closest meaning of the underlined word?
A. Real.          D. Honest.
B. Caring.       E. Curious
C. Generous.

Jawaban: D

For questions No. 6 – 8

Tumer and family,
D-14, Galaxy apartments,

Dear Tumers.

Tht’s looks really bizarre to make a communication In race or this letter with neighbors. However, the occasion makes this letter imminent. This letter marks the end or a very comfortable and desirable first year In this apartment. And, we have been proud aswell as blessed to have a neighbor like you all. The moment when we moved into this place, it was very awkward for us to adjust in this new ambience. Should your neighborhood been absent, then the awkward situation would never have been overcome.

In all the tomes, whether being the festive tomes or during the testing times, you have always backed us on all our decision. You made us acknowledge the fact that,neighbors are the rnt locome to helpin any situat on and all the relmives, friends come laler. I would like to exploit this opportunity to appreciate your presence all with us.Thanking you.

Yours sincerely.

Robert Morgan

6. What is the purpose of the letter?
A. To invite a neighbor.
B. To introduce a neighbor.
C. To celebrate a neighbor.
D. To describe a neighbor.
E. To thank to a neighbor.

Jawaban: E

7. “However, the occasion makes this letter imminent.”

The underlined word has the closest meaning to…
A. The writer’s neighbor is a weird person.
B. The writer’s neighbor is a stubborn person.
C. The writer’s neighbor is an arrogant person.
D. The wirter’s neighbor is a very bad person.
E. The writer’s neighbor is a very helpful person

Jawaban: E

8. “However, the occasion makes this letter imminent.”

The underlined word has the closest meaning to…
A. prompt   D. proper
B. nearby    E. precise
C. quick

Jawaban: B

For questions No. 9 – 10!

Oktober, 26th, 2020
Dear Mamad

I received your letter explaining your inability to come here yesterday. As you know, I celebrated my birthday on October 23td without you. It was truly a great momen for me. The birthday party was arranged at our residence at 7pm.

My home was beautifully decorated by our friends. New curtains, flower-pots, some paintings, and posters looked so cool. I bought all I need for the party from the market. I invited all our close friends and relatives.

Oh!, Do you know how I missed you on that day? But you had to be busy with your compulsions. Anyway, please convey my regards to your parents and thanks for your birthday card and gift you have send to me.

Best regard,


9. Why did Prabu write the letter?
A. To explain her friend his inability to come to her birthday party
B. To invite her friend to come to her birthday party
C. To thank her friend for his birthday’s card and present
D. To tell her happiness during her birthday party
E. To describe the celebration of her birthday

Jawaban: E

10. What was the writer’s problem?
A. The writer could not see Mamad on her birthday’s celebration
B. The beautiful decoration was not arranged by all of her friends
C. The writer did not celebrate her birthday luxuriously
D. The writer’s friends did not give her any present
E. The writer did not convey her regards to Mamad’s parents

Jawaban: A

11. The heat causes deeper water to boil much more violently.

The heat creates jets of steam and fountains of hot water.

The appropriate conjunction to combine the sentences is …..
A. but         D. either
B. and        E. unless
C. so that

Jawaban: B

12. Read the following sentences.
Many species of wildlife are becoming extinct, __________ the rain forests are being destroyed
A. therefore     D. consequently
B. since           E. as a result
C. so
